Verifa metrics

Module specification:

Verifa Metrics Dashboard


Check the pyproject.toml for Python requirements. These are handled by Poetry.


Many keys are required. See Runtime environment below.

# Build the image
make dev
# Run a container with the built image
make run
# Browse http://localhost:8000
# For more details about the different make targets
make help


the run target uses the environment variable TEMPO_CONFIG_PATH, described below, as a mount point if set

  vmounts=-v $(TEMPO_CONFIG_PATH):/tempo

To run a container that ignores the optional environment variable

make bare
# Browse http://localhost:8000

Replacing Docker

To use podman, you can set the DOCKER variable to podman, e.g. make DOCKER=podman run

Running on Windows

To run on GitBash for Windows, you can set the DOCKER variable to winpty docker, e.g. make DOCKER='winpty docker' run.

Docker for Windows satisfies the Docker requirement.

Runtime environment




Tempo API key. Can be generated from Tempo → Settings (left sidebar) → API Integration.


To be able to add secret configurations there is a default config path /tempo where secrets can be mounted as files. For development purposes the environment variable TEMPO_CONFIG_PATH overrides the default value for config files.


Tempo uses logging for logging, with the default log level WARNING. This can be changed by setting the environment variable TEMPO_LOG_LEVEL to any value in ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"]


A Jira user account . A valid jira user account of format


Jira API key for JIRA_USER. Can be generated from here: Jira → Create API token → give a meaningful name for future reference.


Notion API key. Obtained from You must be an owner of the workspace containing the databases.


Requires: NOTION_KEY
a database ID from notion is needed. The database should include the column names Month, EUR Start, SEK Start, external-cost, and real-income.


Requires: NOTION_KEY
a database ID from notion is needed. The database should include the column names User, Daily, Delta, Start, and Stop.


Requires: NOTION_KEY
a database ID from notion is needed. The database should include the column names Allocation, Assign, Task ID, Unconfirmed, and Date (as a date range).


Requires: NOTION_KEY
a database ID from notion is needed. The database should include the column names Person, Currency, and Total Cost.

Notion database ID’s

To find the ID for a specific database in Notion, see this link.

To check that the dB ID’s are correct there is a simple test script in the scripts folder. When running it will fetch the dB content and save it in local JSON files for further perusal.

Configuration files

Metrics is expecting a simple layout for the optional configuration files. A folder structure found in /tempo or, if set, in ${TEMPO_CONFIG_PATH}.

└── rates
    └── data.json


The rates file contains 4 lists

  • Default is a list with project issue keys, rate and currency

  • Exceptions is a list of with exceptions if different users have a different rate for the same issue key

  • Internal is a list of tempo project is considered internal, even if they are set to billable in tempo

  • Currency is a list of exchange rates, € is the currency used in the metrics, so for other currencies a simple conversion is used

  "Default": [
      "Key": "CUS-1",
      "Rate": "100",
      "Currency": "EUR"
      "Key": "AB-1",
      "Rate": "1000",
      "Currency": "SEK"
  "Exceptions": [
      "Key": "CUS-1",
      "Rate": "125",
      "User": "Alice Architect"
  "Internal": [
      "Key": "US"
  "Currency": [
      "SEK2EUR": "0.1"

Locally building the documentation

make docs

Then open docs/_build/html/index.html