Source code for metrics.tempo_data

"""Tempo related functions and classes"""

import logging
import os
import sys
from datetime import date
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from jira import JIRA, Issue
from jira.client import ResultList
from tempoapiclient import client as Client

from metrics.date_utils import lookBack, weekdays
from metrics.tempo_config import EUR2SEK, YESTERDAY

[docs]class TempoData: """Tempo data class.""" client: Client.Tempo jira_client: JIRA raw: pd.DataFrame data: pd.DataFrame padded_data: pd.DataFrame this_year: int last_year: int def __init__( self, tempo_base_url: str = "", tempo_key: Optional[str] = None, jira_base_url: str = "", jira_user: Optional[str] = None, jira_api_token: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: tempo_key = tempo_key or os.environ.get("TEMPO_KEY") if tempo_key is None: sys.exit("Tempo key not provided or TEMPO_KEY not set") jira_user = jira_user or os.environ.get("JIRA_USER") if jira_user is None: sys.exit("Jira User not provided or JIRA_USER not set") jira_api_token = jira_api_token or os.environ.get("JIRA_API_TOKEN") if jira_api_token is None: sys.exit("Jira API token not provided or JIRA_API_TOKEN not set") self.client = Client.Tempo(auth_token=tempo_key, base_url=tempo_base_url) self.jira_client = JIRA(server=jira_base_url, basic_auth=(jira_user, jira_api_token)) self.raw = pd.DataFrame() = pd.DataFrame() self.issues = pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def load(self, from_date: str = "1970-01-01", to_date: str = str(, crew=pd.DataFrame()) -> None: """Fetch and populate data from Tempo for the given date range""" # Fetch data from tempo logs = self.client.get_worklogs(dateFrom=from_date, dateTo=to_date) self.raw = pd.json_normalize(logs) = self.raw[["", "timeSpentSeconds", "billableSeconds", "startDate", "author.accountId"]] = ["IssueId", "Time", "Billable", "Date", "UserId"] # Merge the data issues = self.allJiraIssues() users = self.allJiraUsers() =, on="IssueId") =, on="UserId") # Process the data according to our needs df = pd.DataFrame([:, ("Key")].str.split("-", n=1).tolist(), columns=["Group", "Number"])[:, ("Group")] = df["Group"][:, ("Date")] = pd.to_datetime([:, ("Date")], format="%Y-%m-%d")[:, ("Time")] =[:, ("Time")] / 3600[:, ("Billable")] =[:, ("Billable")] / 3600[:, ("Internal")] =[:, ("Time")] -[:, ("Billable")][:, ("Year")] =[:, ("Date")].dt.year self.this_year =["Year"].unique().max() self.last_year = self.this_year - 1
[docs] def allJiraIssues(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Fetches all the JIRA issues with IssueId and Key columns as DataFrame""" start_at = 0 res_raw: ResultList[Issue] = ResultList([]) while True: issues = self.jira_client.search_issues( jql_str="ORDER BY created DESC", maxResults=1000, startAt=start_at ) # this returns only 100 everytime if len(issues) == 0: break res_raw.extend(issues) start_at += len(issues) res = map(lambda r: [int(, r.key], res_raw) jira = pd.DataFrame(res) jira.columns = ["IssueId", "Key"] return jira
[docs] def allJiraUsers(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Fetches all the JIRA users with UserId and User coloums as DataFrame""" raw_users = self.jira_client.search_users(startAt=0, maxResults=200, query="*") _res = map(lambda r: [r.displayName, r.accountId], raw_users) users = pd.DataFrame(_res) users.columns = ["User", "UserId"] return users
[docs] def injectRates(self, rates: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """Modify data by merging in the given rates data""" uprated =, on=["Key", "User"], how="left") uprated["Rate"] = uprated.apply(lambda x: x["Rate"] / EUR2SEK if x["Currency"] == "SEK" else x["Rate"], axis=1) uprated["Income"] = uprated["Rate"] * uprated["Billable"] = uprated
[docs] def getUsers(self) -> pd.Series: """returns list of users""" return["User"].drop_duplicates()
[docs] def byGroup(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns aggregated time and billable time grouped by date, user and group""" return["Date", "User", "Group"], as_index=False)[["Time", "Billable"]].sum()
[docs] def byTimeType(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns aggregated time and time type grouped by date, user and group""" newdata = newdata["Timetype"] = pd.isna(newdata["Rate"]) newdata["Timetype"] = ["Billable" if not (x) else "Non-billable" for x in newdata["Timetype"]] newdata["Timetype"] = [ "VeriFriday" if x == "VF" else newdata["Timetype"][idx] for idx, x in enumerate(newdata["Group"]) ] return newdata.groupby(["Date", "Timetype", "Group"], as_index=False)[["Time", "Timetype"]].sum( numeric_only=True )
[docs] def byTotalGroup(self, days_back) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns aggregated billable time grouped by issue key group and user""" timed_data =[["Date"] > lookBack(days_back)] df = timed_data.groupby(["Group", "User"], as_index=False)[["Billable"]].sum() df["Billable"].replace(0, np.nan, inplace=True) df.dropna(subset=["Billable"], inplace=True) return df
[docs] def byEggBaskets(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns aggregated billable income grouped by issue key group, user and time box (30, 60, 90)""" baskets = baskets["TimeBasket"] = "0" baskets.loc[baskets["Date"] > lookBack(90), "TimeBasket"] = "60-90 days ago" baskets.loc[baskets["Date"] > lookBack(60), "TimeBasket"] = "30-60 days ago" baskets.loc[baskets["Date"] > lookBack(30), "TimeBasket"] = "0-30 days ago" baskets["TimeBasket"].replace("0", np.nan, inplace=True) baskets.dropna(subset=["TimeBasket"], inplace=True) df = baskets.groupby(["Group", "User", "TimeBasket"], as_index=False)[["Income"]].sum() df["Income"].replace(0, np.nan, inplace=True) df.dropna(subset=["Income"], inplace=True) return df
[docs] def byDay(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns aggregated time and billable time grouped by date, user and issue key""" return["Date", "User", "Key"], as_index=False)[["Time", "Billable"]].sum()
[docs] def firstEntry(self, user, start) -> pd.Timestamp: if start == "*": first =[["User"] == user]["Date"].min() else: first = start return pd.Timestamp(first)
[docs] def lastEntry(self, user, stop) -> pd.Timestamp: if stop == "*": data =[["Date"] < pd.to_datetime("today")] last = data[data["User"] == user]["Date"].max() else: last = stop return pd.Timestamp(last)
[docs] def totalHours(self, user, start, stop=None): data =[["User"] == user] data = data[data["Date"] >= pd.to_datetime(start)] if stop is None: total = data["Time"].sum() else: total = data[data["Date"] <= pd.to_datetime(stop)]["Time"].sum() return total
[docs] def byUser(self, working_hours: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns aggregated time and billable time grouped by user""" user_data = pd.DataFrame() if not working_hours.empty: user_data = working_hours[working_hours["Stop"] == "*"] user_data["Trend"] = 0 user_data["First"] = [self.firstEntry(u, s).date() for u, s in zip(user_data["User"], user_data["Start"])] user_data["Last"] = [self.lastEntry(u, s).date() for u, s in zip(user_data["User"], user_data["Stop"])] user_data["Days"] = [weekdays(f, t) for f, t in zip(user_data["First"], user_data["Last"])] user_data["Expected"] = [days * daily for days, daily in zip(user_data["Days"], user_data["Daily"])] user_data["Total"] = [ self.totalHours(user, start) for user, start in zip(user_data["User"], user_data["First"]) ] user_data["Delta"] = user_data["Delta"] + [ tot - exp for tot, exp in zip(user_data["Total"], user_data["Expected"]) ] user_data["Last 7 days"] = [ self.totalHours(user, start, stop) for user, start, stop in zip( user_data["User"], user_data["Last"] - pd.to_timedelta("6day"), user_data["Last"] ) ] user_data["Trend"] = [ last_week - 5 * daily for daily, last_week in zip(user_data["Daily"], user_data["Last 7 days"]) ] logging.debug("\n%s", user_data.to_string()) user_data = user_data.drop(["Daily", "Start", "Stop", "First", "Days", "Expected", "Total"], axis="columns") else: # Find the first time entry for each user user_first ="User", as_index=False)["Date"].min() # Add a unique column name user_first.columns = ["User", "First"] # Convert fime stamp to just date user_first["First"] = [ for x in user_first["First"]] # remove all user/dates that are older than First user_data = pd.merge(, user_first, on="User") user_data = user_data[user_data["Date"] >= user_data["First"]] # summarize time and billable user_data = user_data.groupby("User", as_index=False)[["Time", "Billable"]].sum() # add the column to the user data user_data = pd.merge(user_data, user_first, on="User") # remove today user_last =[["Date"] < pd.Timestamp("today").strftime("%b %d, %Y")] user_last = user_last.groupby("User", as_index=False)["Date"].max() user_last.columns = ["User", "Last"] user_last["Last"] = [ for x in user_last["Last"]] user_data = pd.merge(user_data, user_last, on="User") user_data["Days"] = [weekdays(f, t) for f, t in zip(user_data["First"], user_data["Last"])] return user_data
[docs] def tableByUser( self, working_hours, fnTableHeight=None, color_head="paleturquoise", color_cells="lavender" ) -> go.Figure: table_working_hours = self.byUser(working_hours).sort_values(by="Last").round(2) if not working_hours.empty: cell_values = [ table_working_hours["User"], table_working_hours["Delta"], table_working_hours["Trend"], table_working_hours["Last"], table_working_hours["Last 7 days"], ] else: cell_values = [ table_working_hours["User"], table_working_hours["Time"], table_working_hours["Billable"], table_working_hours["First"], table_working_hours["Last"], table_working_hours["Days"], ] fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Table( header=dict(values=list(table_working_hours.columns), fill_color=color_head, align="left"), cells=dict( values=cell_values, fill_color=color_cells, align="left", ), ) ] ) fig.update_layout(title="Working Hours") if fnTableHeight: fig.update_layout(height=fnTableHeight(table_working_hours)) return fig
# Collect the missing rates and replace with '???'
[docs] def rawRatesTable(self) -> pd.DataFrame: rate_data =[["Billable"] > 0] rate_data = rate_data.groupby(["Key", "Rate"], dropna=False, as_index=False).agg( Hours=("Billable", np.sum), Users=("User", ", ".join) ) rate_data["Rate"].replace(np.nan, "???", inplace=True) rate_data["Users"] = rate_data["Users"].str.split(", ").map(set).str.join(", ") return rate_data
[docs] def ratesTable(self, fnTableHeight=None, color_head="paleturquoise", color_cells="lavender") -> go.Figure: rate_data = self.rawRatesTable() fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Table( columnwidth=[50, 50, 50, 400], header=dict(values=list(rate_data.columns), fill_color=color_head, align="left"), cells=dict( values=[rate_data["Key"], rate_data["Rate"], rate_data["Hours"], rate_data["Users"]], fill_color=color_cells, align="left", ), ) ] ) fig.update_layout(title="Rates") if fnTableHeight: fig.update_layout(height=fnTableHeight(rate_data)) return fig
# Draw the missing rates table
[docs] def missingRatesTable(self, fnTableHeight=None, color_head="paleturquoise", color_cells="lavender") -> go.Figure: rate_data = self.rawRatesTable() rate_data = rate_data[rate_data["Rate"] == "???"] fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Table( columnwidth=[50, 50, 50, 400], header=dict(values=list(rate_data.columns), fill_color=color_head, align="left"), cells=dict( values=[rate_data["Key"], rate_data["Rate"], rate_data["Hours"], rate_data["Users"]], fill_color=color_cells, align="left", ), ) ] ) fig.update_layout(title="Missing Rates") if fnTableHeight: fig.update_layout(height=fnTableHeight(rate_data)) return fig
[docs] def padTheData(self, working_hours: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ creates the self.padded_data padded with zero data for each User, an entry for the ZP group will be added for each date >= min(Date) && <= max(Date) Key: ZP-1, Time: 0, Billable: 0, Group: ZP, Internal: 0, Currency: EUR, Rate: 0, Income: 0 """ self.padded_data = if not working_hours.empty: for _, row in working_hours.iterrows(): df_user = pd.DataFrame() user = row["User"] if row["Start"] == "*": start =[["User"] == user]["Date"].min() else: start = row["Start"] if row["Stop"] == "*": stop = YESTERDAY else: stop = row["Stop"] df_user["Date"] = pd.date_range(start, stop) df_user["User"] = user df_user["Key"] = "ZP-1" df_user["Time"] = 0.0 df_user["Billable"] = 0.0 df_user["Group"] = "ZP" df_user["Internal"] = 0.0 df_user["Year"] = df_user.loc[:, ("Date")].dt.year df_user["Currency"] = "EUR" df_user["Rate"] = 0 df_user["Income"] = 0 self.padded_data = pd.concat([self.padded_data, df_user]) else: for user in["User"].unique(): df_user = pd.DataFrame() start =[["User"] == user]["Date"].min() stop =[["User"] == user]["Date"].max() df_user["Date"] = pd.date_range(start, stop) df_user["User"] = user df_user["Key"] = "ZP-1" df_user["Time"] = 0.0 df_user["Billable"] = 0.0 df_user["Group"] = "ZP" df_user["Internal"] = 0.0 df_user["Year"] = df_user.loc[:, ("Date")].dt.year df_user["Currency"] = "EUR" df_user["Rate"] = 0 df_user["Income"] = 0 self.padded_data = pd.concat([self.padded_data, df_user])
[docs] def userRolling7(self, to_sum) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns rolling 7 day sums for Billable and non Billable time grouped by user""" daily_sum = self.padded_data.groupby(["Date", "User"], as_index=False)[to_sum].sum() rolling_sum_7d = ( daily_sum.set_index("Date").groupby(["User"], as_index=False).rolling("7d", min_periods=7)[to_sum].sum() ) return rolling_sum_7d.reset_index(inplace=False)
[docs] def teamRolling7(self, to_sum) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns rolling 7 day sums for Billable and non Billable time grouped by user""" daily_sum = self.padded_data.groupby(["Date"], as_index=False)[to_sum].sum() rolling_sum_7d = daily_sum.set_index("Date").rolling("7d", min_periods=7)[to_sum].sum() return rolling_sum_7d.reset_index(inplace=False)
[docs] def teamRolling7Relative(self, costs: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns rolling 7 day sums for Billable and non Billable time grouped by user, relative to the costs""" daily_sum = self.padded_data.groupby(["Date"], as_index=False)["Income"].sum() daily_cost = costs daily_cost["Date"] = daily_cost["Date"].astype("datetime64[M]") daily_relative = pd.merge(daily_sum, daily_cost, on=["Date"], how="outer") daily_relative = daily_relative.dropna() rolling_sum_7d = pd.DataFrame() rolling_sum_7d["sumIncome"] = daily_relative.set_index("Date").rolling("7d", min_periods=7)["Income"].sum() rolling_sum_7d["sumExtCost"] = ( daily_relative.set_index("Date").rolling("7d", min_periods=7)["External_cost"].sum() ) rolling_sum_7d["Diff"] = rolling_sum_7d["sumIncome"] / rolling_sum_7d["sumExtCost"] return rolling_sum_7d.reset_index(inplace=False)
[docs] def thisYear(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns a dataFrame with entries for the current year""" return[["Year"] == float(self.this_year)]
[docs] def lastYear(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns a dataFrame with entries for the previous year""" return[["Year"] == float(self.last_year)]
[docs] def getYear(self, year) -> pd.DataFrame: """returns a dataFrame with entries for the given year""" return[["Year"] == float(year)]
[docs] def zeroOutBillableTime(self, keys: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Sets billable time to zero (0) and actual time to 'internal' for internal project keys """ if not keys.empty: for key in keys["Key"]: logging.debug("Internal Key: %s", key)[["Group"] == key, ("Billable")] = 0[["Group"] == key, ("Internal")] =[["Group"] == key]["Time"]